Contemporary 2024/2025

14.09.24 - 22.03.25

Contemporanea, the Fondazione Musica per Roma's season at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone dedicated to contemporary music, continues, a series of concerts many of which will feature the PMCE Parco della Musica Contemporanea Ensemble, the ensemble directed by Tonino Battista.


Starting with the evocative 1934 composition Divertimento in quattro esercizio by Luigi Dallapiccola (1904-1975)-whose 120th birthday we celebrate-we will move into the next century to explore the output of two Italian, Roman composers who maintained in their music a link, at times evident, at others cleverly concealed, with the interest that Italian (and other) composers of the first half of the last century took in the repertoire of popular music, translating it, as many before them had done, into the poetics of courtly music.

With music by: Jonah Haven (*1995), Anthony Davis (*1951), Jen Shyu (*1978) & Daria Scia (*1986) We are proud to present a program featuring pieces by composers of different generations with the common denominator of all being fellows of theAmerica Academy in Rome.
Of the four musicians on the program, whose music was chosen to offer a fairly diverse range of stylistic directions, only two are American by birth. Jen Shyu is Taiwanese and Daria Scia Italian (a recent winner of the Lotti Fellowship for Italian composers at AAR).

With music by: Teresa Rampazzi (1914-2001), Silvia Colasanti (*1975) & Giulia Tagliavia (*1986) If Teresa Rampazzi projects us into the world of electronic sound and the acousmatic dimension of listening, with Silvia Colasanti, who is increasingly present in the most illustrious programming around the world with works and compositions related to musical theater, will offer us a reading of Orpheus with music and spoken voice (Elio).
The Sicilian composer, Giulia Tagliavia, on the other hand, is entrusted with the task of giving our listening a premiere of one of her works written specifically for the PMCE.

Featuring the music of GAVIN BRYARS This is also an event that is renewed and is now in its third year.
PMCE offers the opportunity for the best students from the conservatories of Frosinone, L’Aquila, Latina, Perugia, Rome and Terni to join the ensemble to give life to a concert with an extraordinary lineup of musicians.
This year, the composer chosen for the occasion is British composer Gavin Bryars with two of his best-known pieces, “The Sink of the Titanic” and “Jesus’ Blood never Failed Me Yet,” in the orchestral version created for the occasion by composition students.

Singolo : 15€
Abbonamento: 50€

L’abbonamento non comprende il concerto Chantiers Sonores con Daniele Roccato & Michele Rabbia dell’11 ottobre 2024