Imagination is one of our most powerful tools. Thanks to her, we conceive works of art, new technologies, as well as solutions to everyday problems. Even science would not be the same if we did not have imagination as our ally to initiate research and formulate hypotheses, interpret data and pursue better results. And it is from the interactions of individual imaginations that shared imaginaries emerge that influence how we organize societies. Today more than ever we need to cultivate these imaginaries, both individual and collective, to rethink the present and, more importantly, shape possible futures.
With more than 100 guests, over 200 lectures and workshops, exhibits, performances and family events, the 18th edition of the Rome Science Festival will be dedicated to imaginaries. Imaginaries to be explored, to be constructed, to be developed, making different experiences, approaches and disciplines dialogue with each other.
"Imagination is the faculty of discovery, first of all.
It is the one that penetrates the hidden worlds around us, the worlds of Science."
(Ada Lovelace)
Scenarios is the section of the festival that draws a bridge between the present and the past, offering an overview of the world we live in. Here, scientific research, historical analysis, insights into current issues, and constant dialogue between science and society will find space.
"Ask a science fiction writer and he'll come up with something.
Soon after, someone else will want to put it into practice."
(Margaret Atwood)
Inspirations embraces events that move between music, art and literature, reflecting on what happens when the doors of imagination are opened. It will be an opportunity to talk about science and storytelling, the collective imagination, fantasy and how our minds are designed to imagine (and cannot help but do so).
"To conquer the future, one must first dream of it."
(Blaise Pascal)
Visions is the place for perspectives, the search for tomorrow and alternative imaginaries that we can and must build to address major global problems. It is the space of new ideas, where innovation, sustainability and technology draw the boundaries of the best possible future.
Il Festival delle Scienze Roma è una produzione Fondazione Musica per Roma con direzione scientifica e progettuale di Codice Edizioni. Alla sua diciottesima edizione, il Festival è ospitato negli spazi dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica, con una presenza sempre più importante in città, con eventi e iniziative organizzati in collaborazione con Biblioteche di Roma. Fin dalla sua nascita il Festival indaga tematiche universali attraverso la prospettiva della scienza più avanzata, interrogando i nomi più importanti della ricerca italiana e internazionale, e creando le basi per un dialogo aperto a diverse discipline, dalla filosofia alla storia della scienza, dalla medicina all’economia, dall’arte alla letteratura.
Presidente: Claudia Mazzola
Amministratore Delegato: Daniele Pitteri
Paolo Dalla Sega
Nicola Maccanico
Valeria Sandei
Direzione: Vittorio Bo per Codice Edizioni
Coordinamento scientifico: Michele Bellone per Codice Edizioni
Coordinamento programma: Claudia Ribet per Codice Edizioni
Coordinamento organizzativo: Gianluca Magi per Fondazione Musica per Roma
Gruppo di progetto:
Comunicazione e Branding: Noemi Di Muro, Elisabetta De Lorenzis
Educational e Biglietteria: Valentina Battistella, Elisa Moro
Fund Raising: Eleonora Pinchiurri
Marketing: Irene Tiberi
Mostre: Gian Francesco Picchi
Operativo: Francesca Donnini
Produzione: Francesca Pulcini
Programma: Eleonora Bordonaro
Redazione ed Editing: Cristina Gallotti per Codice Edizioni
Segreteria Organizzativa: Sonia Tavarone per Codice Edizioni
Social Media: Giorgia Scoccia
Per Fondazione Musica per Roma
Eleonora Donati
Marta Fontana
Giorgio Enea Sironi
Per Tandem
Francesca Comandini
Paola Turco
Iolanda Marsilio