PMCE – “The River’s Sweet Song” with the American Academy.

Contemporary | Set of events
Friday 04 October 2024
h. 21:00
Borgna Studio Theater
Starting from € 15
PMCE – “The River’s Sweet Song” with the American Academy.

With music by: Jonah Haven (*1995), Anthony Davis (*1951), Jen Shyu (*1978) & Daria Scia (*1986) We are proud to present a program featuring pieces by composers of different generations with the common denominator of all being fellows of theAmerica Academy in Rome.
Of the four musicians on the program, whose music was chosen to offer a fairly diverse range of stylistic directions, only two are American by birth. Jen Shyu is Taiwanese and Daria Scia Italian (a recent winner of the Lotti Fellowship for Italian composers at AAR).