PMCE – “Playing With Gavin Bryars” with Territory Conservatives.

Contemporary | Set of events
Monday 20 January 2025
h. 21:00
Sala Petrassi
Starting from € 15
PMCE – “Playing With Gavin Bryars” with Territory Conservatives.

With music by Gavin Bryars This is also a renewing event, now in its third year. PMCE offers the opportunity for the best students from the conservatories of Frosinone, L'Aquila, Latina, Perugia, Rome and Terni to integrate with the ensemble to give life to a concert with an extraordinary lineup of musicians. This year the composer chosen for the occasion is British composer Gavin Bryars with two of his best-known pieces, "The Sink of the Titanic" and "Jesus' Blood never Failed Me Yet," in the orchestral version created for the occasion by composition students.