PMCE – generAtions. Eve, action and sound

Contemporary | Set of events
Monday 11 November 2024
h. 21:00
Borgna Studio Theater
Starting from € 15
PMCE – generAtions. Eve, action and sound

With music by: Teresa Rampazzi (1914-2001), Silvia Colasanti (*1975) & Giulia Tagliavia (*1986) If Teresa Rampazzi propels us into the world of electronic sound and the acousmatic dimension of listening, with Silvia Colasanti, who is increasingly present in the most illustrious programs around the world with works and compositions related to musical theater, will offer us a reading of Orpheus with music and spoken voice (Elio). The Sicilian composer, Giulia Tagliavia, on the other hand, is entrusted with the task of giving our listening audience a premiere of one of her works written specifically for the PMCE.