The human mind is capable of generating new imagery all the time, but it is from the spanning capacity of imagination and creativity that ideas, inventions, and scientific discoveries are born. The human mind has gone so far as to recreate and develop its own intelligence. Computers today increasingly have what are termed typically human characteristics, such as visual, spatiotemporal, and sensory perceptions. They are capable of evaluation, decision-making and learning. But can algorithms ever recreate consciousness? Artificial intelligence and its development pose questions that touch on the deepest aspects of the relationship between human and machine and look to a future that is perhaps not even that far off. But the present is made up of the concrete possibilities of using the current capabilities of AI. Imagination and virtual reality: what are the potential applications of artificial intelligence? A journey through the intelligence of the imaginary to arrive at experiments in scientific research, industrial production, and medicine. And get to find out how human artificial intelligence is.
11:00 a.m. - Introduction
11:05 a.m. - The principles of robo-ethics.
Paola Inverardi, Rector, GSSI
11:20 a.m. - The humanity of artificial intelligence
Mattia De Rosa, Solution Specialists Data & AI Director, Microsoft
Diego Ciulli, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google Italy
11:45 a.m. - The virtual frontiers of medicine.
Matteo Della Porta, Head of Leukemia Unit, IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas & Humanitas University - Milan, Italy
12 noon - The applications of imagery: trusting artificial intelligence
Emanuele Calà, Vice President Innovation & Quality, ADR
Giuseppe Santonato, Lead Data & Analytics, EY
12:25 p.m. - Is the future of women in STEM?
Virginia Benzi, Ambassador @generazionestem
Sara Figura, Ambassador @generazionestem
Alvaro Moretti, Deputy Editor Il Messaggero
Costanza Calabrese, Journalist
Andrea Andrei, Journalist Il Messaggero
Streaming in Il Messaggero, Il Gazzettino, Il Mattino, Corriere Adriatico and Quotidiano di Puglia